
united nations diplomatic conference of plenipotentiaries on the establishment of an international criminal court معنى

  • مؤتمر الأمم المتحدة الدبلوماسي للمفوضين المعني بإنشاء محكمة جنائية دولية

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. united nations development group iraq trust fund معنى
  2. united nations development group office معنى
  3. united nations development office معنى
  4. united nations development programme معنى
  5. united nations development system معنى
  6. united nations diplomatic conference on a convention on the liability of operators of transport terminals in international trade معنى
  7. united nations directory on publications and literature on different aspects of space science and technology and its application معنى
  8. united nations disability statistics data base معنى
  9. united nations disarmament affairs information system معنى
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